My Sister's Lashes

8 May – 20 May 2004

Sarah Jane Parton

Combining a self-conscious performance of Bon Jovi anthem 'You Give Love a Bad Name' with cutesy adolescent wall drawings in makeup and biro My Sister's Lashes treads the fine line between parody and reverence.


Treading this fine line relies on an awareness to give it kudos, My Sister's Lashes played it close to the line, further emphasising the power of subjectivity on interpretation. Parton consciously employs ambiguity, juxtaposing pathos and sexiness, paying homage to popular culture with more than just a small nod to teen culture. The work aimed to highlight the discomfort created by the self-conscious need to perform, the acting out of roles that is part of forming identity.

Parton's use of popular culture to make her point provides easy apertures for viewers to form an understanding of her work. Introducing a fey nostalgia, she draws from her own past to explore the formation of identity as a composite of culture, gender and sexuality. Coming from a collaborative practice in which it is common to involve dancers, film-makers and musicians, Parton also draws on her peers in creating work, expressing a sort of ubiquitous pop culture comprising the identities of herself and others.

Traditionally Enjoy had focused on projects that addressed issue of place and spatial location. The Length series (February – July 2004) sought to encourage the exploration of time, not as a concept, but in reality as it applied to the individual projects through their duration and conceptual underpinnings.