Compessed Space

28 Aug
13 Sep
Emma Fitts
The walls of urban space both reveal and conceal the detritus of the city as excess matter is stuffed into cracks and merged into the architecture. Bus tickets are forced to lie between seats. Receipts and miscellany are trodden into cracks in the pavement. This matter is framed by its environment and remains part of a larger composition.
Compressed Space explored these ideas on framing, image and form alongside tactile qualities within constructed urban-centred environments. Wellington-based painter Emma Fitts has developed a system of compressing and representing painting materials in relation to the gallery's architecture. The artist notes: "The idea is not to have a show about process, but to experiment with different processes in order to create new experiences."
At Enjoy, Fitts has worked with the space to create objects in frames the size of chosen gaps in the gallery. These objects are then taken out of these frames and then arranged. The whole of Enjoy will be activated into the dialogue of image and form as the gallery gives form to the paintings that become objects in themselves.
Exhibition Essays
Compressed Space
By Thomasin Sleigh

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Emma Fitts, Compressed Space, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.