past event
Journals: From Start to Finish
Saturday 11 Aug 2018

Join writers and editors Jackson Nieuwland (4th Floor, Mimicry, LEFT), Hamish Win (Matters Journal Aotearoa) and Amalia Louisson (SADO) for a panel discussion on starting, editing and publishing journals for emerging writers in Aotearoa.
Chaired by Louise Rutledge as part of the Enjoy Art Book Fair, 8–11 August 2018.
Image: LEFT, a book of words and pictures. Edited by Jackson Nieuwland. Design and Art direction by Nils Davey for tNY Creative; Matters Issue 7. Edited by Georgina Watson and Hamish Win. Designed by Ellyse Randrup; SADO Volume Two—Plants and Desire in Aotearoa. Edited by Amalia Louisson, designed by Ellyse Randrup.
Jackson Nieuwland is a genderqueer, pākehā writer and editor, born and based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Their favourite colour is pink. They edited the anthology LEFT: A Book Of Words And Pictures and co-founded the reading/zine series Food Court. They are constantly trying to fight back the garden growing from their face. With Carolyn DeCarlo, they are the author of the chapbooks Bound: an ode to falling in love (Compound Press 2014) and Twilight Zone (NAP 2013) and the guest editor of Mimicry 3. Recent work has appeared in: The Pantograph Punch, The Lit Pub, Heavy Feather Review, Funhouse, Real Pants, and more.
Hamish Win is a writer and co-editor based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. He is a co-editior of Matters Art Journal and a regular contributor to Circuit Artist Film and Video. Resolutely non-commercial, committed to printing long-form essays and produced by writers for writers, Matters Art Journal is an independent magazine currently edited by George Watson, Hamish Win, Owen Connors and Anna Rankin. Matters favour articles that are critically informed and relevant to the culture of Aotearoa with a bias towards issues that are nascent and underwritten. Journals are distributed through an informal network of artist-run spaces and previous issues can be found in libraries throughout Aotearoa.
Edited by Amalia Louisson, SADO is a multidisciplinary journal that blurs the boundaries of theory, poetry, non-fiction and art to make room for innovative responses to pressing political problems. Reserved for up-and-coming writers, theorists and artists, SADO speaks to the need for young adults in Aotearoa to have more avenues to produce and receive cutting-edge work. From stories of love and loss, to essays of algae bloom, deforestation and biotic engineering, the fourteen contributors of SADO’s volume two—Plants and Desire in Aotearoa—present striking new ways to approach desire and the suffering ecology of Aotearoa.