iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiON

5ever Books, iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiOn, 2024, installation view. Courtesy of 5ever Books.

5ever Books, iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiOn, 2024, installation view. Courtesy of 5ever Books.

20 Jul – 31 Aug

5ever Books, Achille Segard, Renae Williams, Sasha Francis

Postering is historically a politicised form of activism. The collected posters in iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiON by 5ever Books are presented as an expanded publication, bringing into question the idea of autonomy and authorship within the city.


iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiON considers public discourse offline – walls of posters are displayed extracted from their native urban homes around central Pōneke. The exhibition offers insight into the current state of street activism, set against a background of dreary economic conditions, growing conservatism and an increase in the exploitation of the commons, internet and public space. Accompanying the exhibition, 5ever Books have produced a book-object articulating a wider cultural history of postering in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, and will run a series of workshops around postering encouraging people to take their own voice, and their own city, into their own hands.

5ever Books, made up of Sasha Francis, Achille Segard and Renae Williams, is a collective of artists, designers, writers, editors, educators and their friends who are dedicated to giving a voice to community groups and individuals across a spectrum of cultural issues and campaigns for social justice. Since 2020, they have worked on a range of collaborations with writers, artists and activist organisations. 

The collective came together in response to rising inequality, ongoing processes of gentrification around Te Whanganui-a-Tara, growing techno-surveillance and the privitisation of language. In the wake of such loss of community and digital spaces where art, politics, action and ideas could flourish freely, 5ever books sought to develop infrastructure to empower self-expression and horizontal knowledge. Predominantly working as a press, 5ever Books have utilised print media and book production as a tool to intervene material reality through an open-ended and experimental approach to making, collaboration and distribution.


Past Event

Asians Supporting Tino Rangatiratanga zine-making workshop

If you could tell the story of 'now' to the future, what would that look like? Growing anti-Te Tiriti attacks, colonial occupation and violence, and collective resistance. Heightened imperial violence that has been met with strengthened solidarity movements. This political moment gives us plenty to document. 

Join us at Asians Supporting Tino Rangatiratanga at this upcoming zine-making workshop and let’s co-create and share whakaaro around this political moment, and build upon our lived experiences as Asian tauiwi in Aotearoa. 


More info



5ever Books is an underground publishing house based at Rebel Press, Trades Hall in Te Whanganui-a-Tara:

"We print, splice, bind and chop pesky dank little books. Our scope is nebulous. Form and sense of disciplinarity remains plural. But our target is clear: to publish punchy, intense and interdisciplinary work, woven together by a shared transformational kaupapa. We recognise the collective necessity of actively infiltrating and affecting our playground and home, Wellington. As we balance our vision with pragmatism, we are committed to realising a post-capitalist vision that honours Te Tiriti O Waitangi in Aotearoa. We are serious in our playfulness."

5ever Books was launched in 2015 as by artist Max Trevor Thomas Edmond, with a focus on experimental texts and collaborative objects. The imprint name was passed on in 2020, and relaunched as 5ever Books. 



Special thank you to David Aravena, Amber Clausner, Noah Corbett, Hamish Garry, Ari Leason, David McCarthy, Dylan Pyle, Genevieve Rae and Éimhín O'Shea.