TAKE: 001

27 Apr
3 Jul
A programme of one take videos at Enjoy
TAKE: 001 came about from the desire of curator Louise Tulett to run a video programme that considered moving image as a medium well suited to capturing experiences in relation to their length. Essentially, as quoted from the submission call: "I want to make a show of screenings about the decision to press record and the decision to stop". The videos on show are a varied and intriguing response to this initially open-ended parameter.
The treatment of moving image as continuous piece has a strong historical thread. From the very first films of the Lumiere brothers, through to Hitchcock's Rope and recent films like Time-code and Russian Ark, a consistent interest in real time film making spans the length of it's invention to date. Video is an exceptional medium in this respect, being affordable and easily portable. What started in response to a limitation of technology, has through out the history of moving image developed a strong conceptual currency, being investigated by film makers and visual artists alike.
Whether scripted or spontaneous, the videos shown as part of TAKE: 001 continue this legacy of approach.
Featuring works by Nick Archer, Chris Ashforth, Fiona Bartlett, Kaleb Bennett, Caroline Bindon, Gary Bridle, Barry Bryant, Andy Chappell, Deon Cotgrove, Douglas Crane, Ed Davis, Michelle de Silva, Daniel du Bern, Arama Eruera, James Findlater, Regan Gentry, Sandy Gibbs, Darcy Gladwin, Terrence Handscomb, Mark Harvey, Colin Hodson, Amy Howden-Chapman, Alison Jones, Rose Kirkup, Campbell Kneale, Ruth Korver, Maddie Leach, Min lee, Janet Lilo, Emil McAvoy, Lissa Mitchell, Amanda Newall, Kim Paton, Stuart Shepherd, Bevan Smith, Aloius Woodhouse
First Screening: Tuesday April 27, 6pm
Second Screening: Friday June 11, 6pm
Final Screening: Saturday July 3, 12 – 5pm. Full programme of videos will screen all day. Performance & Closing Party, 6 pm
As an event to culminate TAKE: 001 and Length, Musician and sound artist Tristan Dingemans of HOU will perform a live sound track to the Film Lachii by Ed Davis.
Present in the space will be another series long project, Katja Fabig & James Keene's installation Floored. The meeting of these two projects for the last day of Length is a triumphant finale to a series concerned with the consideration of time in relation to art practice and presentation.
Curated by Louise Tulett

Traditionally Enjoy had focused on projects that addressed issue of place and spatial location. The Length series (February – July 2004) sought to encourage the exploration of time, not as a concept, but in reality as it applied to the individual projects through their duration and conceptual underpinnings.