Whītiki, Mātike, Whakatika!

Image courtesy of DJCS.
4 Feb
5 Feb
Te Waka Hourua
Enjoy is privileged to host a two day exhibition and programme of events by Te Waka Hourua, on Sunday 4 and Monday 5 February 2024. This exhibition is an opportunity for people to engage and learn more about Te Tiriti o Waitangi prior to Waitangi Day, 6 February.
Our waka hourua has set its course. We feel it is beyond time to shed light on the truth of our current and existential situation; endless destruction by an elite minority at the expense of the majority, and of hospitable life on planet earth. We have pulled together some memorabilia of the recent action at Te Papa, and invite the public to come in and engage with us before Waitangi day - by making your own redactions, print a T shirt, share zines, kai and kōrero, film screenings, read our compilation of draft redactions, meet each other, enjoy at Enjoy.
– Te Waka Hourua
Past Event
Film Screening: Film and the Algerian Revolution
On Sunday 4 February at 3pm join us for a special screening of archival short films from the time of the Algerian War of Independence. Afterwards join us with Te Waka Hourua for a wānanga using the films as a starting point for conversation.
More info
Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Image courtesy of DJCS.

Poster courtesy of 5ever Books.

Treaty redaction. Courtesy of Te Waka Hourua.
Te Waka Hourua is a tangata whenua-led, direct action, climate and social justice rōpū.
All proceeds raised through this exhibition will go to impending court processes for Te Wehi Ratana and Catherine Murupaenga Ikenn. It is not a crime to peacefully point out that our leading educational institutions need to tell the truth about the past, present and future conditions of Aotearoa.
If court charges do not exceed the money raised, all koha will be used to further realise the kaupapa as described by the whakaaturanga:
Our waka hourua has set its course. We feel it is beyond time to shed light on the truth of our current and existential situation; endless destruction by an elite minority at the expense of the majority, and of hospitable life on planet earth.
Ngā mihi nui 5ever Books for their help realising this kaupapa.