The End of Water

25 May
10 Jun
Shay Launder
Ideas for banners for The End of Water:
Headlong into the Future
Gravity Must be Worked On
Drawing Methods and Accidental Speech
We Are Dirt
Our Desperate Velocity
The Honesty and Generosity of the Future
The Forest Desires the Future
Grow, you rubbishy weed, you are not alone in the first
Water for Sadness
Deepest Values and Aspirations
I Surrender
Secret Happiness
Great Ship, Fully laden
Your Departure
Towards Improvement
New Societies
On The Threshold of Miracles
Recent History of Failed Relationships
Gravity versus Tears
I’m too sad to tell you
Please Forgive Me
Before It’s too Late
I Need Your Help
Deferred Maintenance
What should we do with the Animals?
We Whisper News Into Each Other’s Ears
The Ground Falls Away
Preparing Ourselves for the Future
The End Of Water: Ex-diving Sticks.
Sticks, in conversation.
What are they talking about?
They are reaching out to each other.
but they are sticks, after all, so not very
affectionate by nature,
They can’t help it.
the whole span of love, which has been languishing,
will be swept up and take residence in the world.
The birds already know of it and find it inside soften boulders.
Rescue teams will be sent to retrieve it and encounter
intoxicated animals. Sometimes they never return.
We will path together our clothes and call out to
one another across ravines and streets. These activities
mark the distance of our disappearance, which is
that of a glorious exit of the emergency kind.
Exhibition Essays
Enjoy Gallery Catalogue 2005
Edited by Jessica Reid

Shay Launder, The End Of Water, 2005. Image courtesy of the artist.

Shay Launder, The End Of Water, 2005. Image courtesy of the artist.

Shay Launder, The End Of Water, 2005. Image courtesy of the artist.

Shay Launder, The End Of Water, 2005. Image courtesy of the artist.