The Landscape of Damage

24 Jul
5 Aug
Roger Morris
Roger’s show was drawn from of a large body of work made over the past 20 or more years.
The walls were densely covered with works on printing plastic, paper, wood, record covers, magazine pages, old doors, old prints etc. Roger’s work examining the landscape of damage makes use of found materials as the landscape, which he then modifies and reworks into new images. Much like what we do with the landscape around us.
The show developed a strong narrative with the language of damage, enabling viewers to follow the development of ideas around the gallery as well as view the works individually. Meaning was evident both ways. Morris’s work is strongly symbolic, the show presented the powerful visual language he has developed to express and interpret the world around him.
Interested in new and experimental artists attacking the boundaries of contemporary art, the Damage series (September – June 2001) sought to delineate some of the current grounds of confrontation through experimental and subversive work.