We Are Moving Forward Positively

11 Sep
15 Sep
Gemma Tweedie, Matt Gillies
Pivotal to how thousands of commuters and inhabitants daily meet and view the city at large, the Wellington Railway Station processes a diverse, transient and challenging community daily.
As part of the citywide project INSite 2007, a Wellington City Council Urban design Initiative, the Enjoy project We Are Moving Forward Positively centers performance activity around a temporarily situated shipping container, situated in the forecourt of the railway station. The artists involved will use this location to draw from the flux in and around this commuter hub. The project offers an interesting perspective on what impact the transient nature of the area may have on people's level of awareness of their surroundings.
Matt Gillies and Gemma Tweedie's We Are Moving Forward Positively generated a twist on bureaucratic surveys that invites interactive commentary from both telephone recipients and by-passers. The project actively engages the public in conversation, through different interactive approaches.
The installation involves both the participation of neighboring office workers and the art audience at large. Office-style systems are adopted for use in a public artwork. Activities include coding the respondents identities, then making cut-and-paste characters based on an individual's survey answers, or making poems out of cut-and-pasted survey results. Works made by visitors will be exhibited as part of a filing system and later sent back to people who complete a survey.