At Home (in transit)

23 Nov
9 Dec
Vivien Atkinson
Tourists, exiles, immigrants, expatriates, and refugees. The idea of location determining identity has particular currency in contemporary society as travel becomes easier and the distances between countries seem to shrink.
Vivien Atkinson's work questions notions of geographically bound identity. Drawing on her experience of itinerancy (Atkinson spent almost twenty-five years living in no place for more than eighteen months), she contrasts the feelings of security associated with home with the stress of the moving process. Maps, Atlases and place names have become motifs of Atkinson's practice. At home (in transit) placed map fragments, elements from the removal industry and from the domestic together to expose their imaginative power and ability to question geographical and personal identity.
Exhibition Essays
Enjoy Gallery Catalogue 2005
Edited by Jessica Reid

Vivien Atkinson, At Home (in transit), 2005.

Vivien Atkinson, At Home (in transit), 2005.

Vivien Atkinson, At Home (in transit), 2005.

Vivien Atkinson, At Home (in transit), 2005. Image courtesy of Jessica Reid.

Vivien Atkinson, At Home (in transit), 2005. Image courtesy of Jessica Reid.

Vivien Atkinson, At Home (in transit), 2005. Image courtesy of Jessica Reid.

About the artist
Vivien Atkinson is currently completing her MFA from RMIT, Melbourne. She has previously had her work shown in Surface Tension at Show gallery (2004) and performed Who am I, Where am I as part of Enjoy gallery's inaugural Performance Week last year.