past event
Artist talk: Chantal Fraser
Friday 3 Jul 2015

Chantal Fraser will discuss her previous works and the themes behind her exhibition It's incredible... It's all ours, 1 - 25 July, 2015, at Enjoy Public Art Gallery.
Chantal Fraser (AUS, b. NZ) uses adornment as an aesthetic and conceptual tool for material exploration and production. Her work explores the creation of cross-cultural connotations and representations through the use of the silhouette and the embodiment of adornment, and more significantly cultural and social adornment. Her practice explores ornamentation as an aesthetic resolution to identity and individuality. Fraser’s installation, performance and digital media works push the boundaries of adornment and gender.

1.50: Cross-Cultural Swagger Like Us, 2009

02.45: Anal Beads, 2009, Raw Space Galleries, South Brisbane

Anal Beads, 2009, Raw Space Galleries, South Brisbane

4.13: It Hangs With Rattlesnakes and Rubbish, 2012

4.13: It Hangs With Rattlesnakes and Rubbish, 2012

4.13: It Hangs With Rattlesnakes and Rubbish, 2012

5.53: The Strongest Lines Cross Over, 2014, The Fashion Archives

5.53: The Strongest Lines Cross Over, 2014, The Fashion Archives