past event
Saturday 14 Nov 2015

A performance for the exhibition Enjoy Feminisms at Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, November 12 - December 12, 2015.
The intimate act of hair cutting forms one of the primary motifs in this interactive. Hair is seen as the 'crowning glory', but performance artists Olga Krause, Faith Wilson and Olive Wilson will be considering the filial ties that bind and loosen them in their mother-daughter relationships.
"fuck your beauty conventions and long hair!"
This work considers the strength of their matrilineal gafa or genealogies, reifying the Polynesian female body as beautiful in her empowered state. Choosing their appearance without apology to the male and Western gaze.
Visitors to their performance will be bound to them in an artistic sense. The artists invite you to snip a lock to take away.
See Facebook for more photos of the performance

Faith, Leafa and Olive Wilson, Fili, 2015. Image courtesy of Harry Culy.