past event
Thursday 14 Jul 2016

An evening of readings from some of Te Whanganui-a-Tara’s finest women of colour.
Identifying as a WOC means that you are in a constant battle with tokenism and the urge to resist or to accept this whether strategically or unconsciously. Your inclusion in mainstream events is always political. Your acceptance is political. Your non-acceptance or ignorance is political. Yet many of us successfully navigate both worlds. This is never easy. It’s always a decision. Fight or flight. But something that makes the fight more worth it is the sisterhood or sorority that you have with others who have chosen to keep saying something, to keep opening their mouths in a system of oppression and exclusion that says shut the fuck up. Tonight’s readers all have voices at varying degrees of volume, but all are relevant and need to be heard. The many voices can make a choir or a cacophony. Whatever the noise is, it won’t be ignored.
Hana Pera Aoake
Anahera Gildea
Tayi Tibble
Gem Wilder

Thank you to Faith Wilson for organizing this event!