Golden Axe

1 Sep
17 Sep
Chris Cudby, Dave King
For the opening celebration, Golden Axe created a multi-media installation, incorporating sculpture, sound and video projection.
Golden Axe proposed to ‘take over' the Enjoy Gallery space for the duration of their exhibition, using it variously to record original music, display their sculptures and build a performance stage made of found-objects from around the central city. This stage was used at the exhibition's conclusion for a closing party/Golden Axe performance.
Golden Axe are a sound-performance duo from Auckland, known equally for their make-shift aesthetic and the visual "ZAM" of their performances, as the synthy lo-tech music they create.
From humble beginnings busking the streets of Auckland, Golden Axe have since played in the 'Starkaudio' series at Starkwhite gallery, toured the North Island with 'A Low Hum Magazine' and performed in 'Meatwaters' while in Wellington. They have gained popularity with both sound-art and rock crowds alike and their first single, ‘No Food', gained regular air-play on student radio.
Exhibition Essays
Golden Axe: Interview by Jessica Reid
By Jessica Reid
Read online

Chris Cudby and Dave King, Golden Axe, 2004.

Closing party.

Closing party.
The New Work series (July – December 2004) represented a transitional period in Enjoy’s vision and development. Moving away from the gallery’s hands-on, thematic approach of the past, New Work set the loosest of theme requirements yet and was the last of such dictated restrictions. The proposal call-out requested that the work be ‘new’, leaving the definition of this seemingly simple word up for grabs.
New work, new to the audience, new to Enjoy.