
Workshop: What is a poster?

Saturday 20 Jul 2024

5ever Books, iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiOn, 2024, installation view.

5ever Books, iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiOn, 2024, installation view.

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Join 5ever Books and friends for a weekly poster making workshop and kōrero around the politics and history of urban billsticking.

Workshops will include tutorials on how to make your own glue, brushes and posters, while diving into kōrero around the broader implications of postering for the social fabric of urban environments, how access to information is classed, how public discourse is shaped and influenced, and what notions of 'public' and 'urban' might mean in the context of colonised land.

Workshops will take place every Wednesday and Saturday for the duration of the exhibition, iMpOrTanT iNfOrMaTiOn :

6 - 8pm
Kai provided (and bring a plate if you wish!)

1 - 4pm