Everybody SoundSystem
August 2022
Keep On Moving*
Heather Galbraith -
Dance Parties—Feel the Bass
Emma Jean Gilkison -
The Empleasurement Effect (or, pleasure shared is potential expanded)
Laura Marsh -
Like here, like us
Grant Smithies -
You meet some of the best people on the dance floor !
Eve Armstrong, Gabby O’Connor, Josephine Cachemaille, Liang Cui, Claire Harris
The Empleasurement Effect (or, pleasure shared is potential expanded)
Laura Marsh

Josephine Cachemaille amoung other dancers, Everybody SoundSystem Housewarming, Saturday 13 August 2022. Image courtesy of Enjioy Contemporary Art Space.
empleasurement (effect) |ɪmˈplɛʒəmənt|
noun [mass noun]
“the Empleasurement Effect”
1. to be in a process or state of the pleasurable feeling of expansive potential: being empleasured by a good vibe; raving brought her great empleasurement
2. a feminist desire to be through a pleasurable embodied knowing
3. experiencing empleasurement: a deep cellular intimacy with the shared pleasures of low-frequency sound, collectively experienced
4. a fully embodied experience of expansion and delightful potential brought forth by vibratory sensation in the company of others
5. an affirmation of your current state of being by the presence of open-hearted others
// empleasurement entails pleasure and the erotic as reasoned knowledge; hovers in and between sexual and sensual; allows for jouissance to occur, opens to potentia.