Everybody SoundSystem
August 2022
Keep On Moving*
Heather Galbraith -
Dance Parties—Feel the Bass
Emma Jean Gilkison -
The Empleasurement Effect (or, pleasure shared is potential expanded)
Laura Marsh -
Like here, like us
Grant Smithies -
You meet some of the best people on the dance floor !
Eve Armstrong, Gabby O’Connor, Josephine Cachemaille, Liang Cui, Claire Harris
You meet some of the best people on the dance floor !
Eve Armstrong, Gabby O’Connor, Josephine Cachemaille, Liang Cui, Claire Harris

Dancefloor corner, Everybody SoundSystem Housewarming, Saturday 13 August 2022. Image courtesy of Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
Everybody SoundSystem artists Josephine Cachemaille, Gabby O’Connor and Eve Armstrong and Enjoy Contemporary Art Space staff Claire Harris and Liang Cui, Friday 5 August 2022.
CLAIRE: How’s the day been? How's the week been?
JOSE: Such an undulating process, isn’t it? GABBY: Of loveliness.
JOSE: We’ve been here since… is this day six? Really different energy on different days. Liang noticed it.
LIANG: Yeah, today feels quiet. EVE: Intense.
CLAIRE: Not intense, ‘intent’. Everyone was very focused.
GABBY: Yes, measured. It's been really fascinating and .... pleasurable. We haven’t worked like this before, so recognising our boundaries, knowing where those corridors of generosity are, all those pathways that are happening. It’s just quite nice to see it work as we’d imagined.
JOSE: Gabs from the get-go described it as a high-trust model for working. Experiencing trusting a process, and trusting people, and trusting materials and trusting a shared past. It’s a really unusual way to work for me, I'm a studio-based artist, I don't often collaborate, I’ve wanted to for years.