The Occasional Journal
Local Knowledge
July 2016
Emma Ng -
Diversifying and moving through the hidden city
Gradon Diprose, Kelly Dombroski -
Don't fucking die today! Putain, ne meurt pas aujourd'hui!
Janet Lilo -
Stitching the Street
Sian van Dyk -
In your belly, a vague place
Ngahuia Harrison -
The Fair in May
Laila O'Brien -
No Stone Unturned
Aliyah Winter, Angela Kilford -
Kinetic Rituals
Balamohan Shingade -
At the still point
Elisabeth Pointon
In your belly, a vague place
Ngahuia Harrison

About the Artist
Ngahuia Harrison (Ngātiwai, Ngāpuhi) is an Auckland based artist, working predominantly in lens-based media. She completed her Masters at Elam School of Fine Arts in 2012, and following this established the gallery and event space Plaza along with Isobel Dryburgh and Nicola Verdon. Currently Harrison is completing her practice-led PhD at Auckland University of Technology. The research examines Ngātiwai philosophies and the way in which these concepts can be applied to creative practice. With a particular interest in the understandings and relationships hapū have with the natural environment, particularly with regards to wai (water), water-bound kaitiaki and waterways.