It's incredible..... It's all ours

Chantal Fraser

1 Jul – 25 Jul 2015

“It's incredible...It's all ours” is a statement that poses multiple scenarios, aligning with the mentality of first-seen, then first-owned. It is a statement that has, in the past, referred to the land, its gifts and also to women. European men who travelled to the Pacific Islands, such as Jack London and Bengt Daniellson, wrote whimsical reports on their encounters with young women living there, with an enamoured fervency that shows both an infatuation and unnervingly predatory focus.


Another Garden

Muscle Mouth

29 Jun – 1 Aug 2015
A landscape discovered through a series of physical conversations

Drawing on the early developments and success of the recent performance work Triumphs and Other Alternatives, this immersive installation invites different understandings of how material substances influence creative outcomes. Another Garden offers a new reading and landscape for materials once destined for the stage. No longer intended for part of a scene, the materials have been reconfigured to be experiential rather than performative, with new sound and light scapes created for the installation.



Muscle Mouth

29 Apr – 2 May 2015

A Lonesome Scene… The lonely Tiger... Solitary Enlightenment... A Triumphant Rest…

A single scene stuck in a loop inside one texture… attached to only one moment... existing in its only world.


Homeward bounder

Caroline McQuarrie

1 Apr – 25 Apr 2015

The photographs in the series Homewardbounder show the entrances to ‘adits’, or horizontal mineshafts, left in the West Coast landscape after exploration by gold miners during the 1860s gold rush. These dark, damp spaces convey a history of aspiration and struggle, as the men that sought to make their fortune there faced harsh realities: an unforgiving landscape, difficult working conditions and a hand to mouth existence.  


Typical Relics

Jade Townsend

20 Mar – 26 Mar 2015
Why do we replace our old jeans with new jeans that look old?

From the luxury Comme des Garçons concept store to Enjoy Gallery, Jade Townsend brings a selection of LED light works developed during her recent three-month residency in Beijing, China. Exploring the interplay between human values and the material world, the works focus on the construction of ‘taste’, reflecting the language of consumerist trends and the incredible vibrancy encountered in Beijing.


The levelling of Puke Ahu

Aliyah Winter, Angela Kilford, Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Izzy O'Neill

7 Mar – 21 Mar 2015
Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, old brick; good-bye, 2015. Image courtesy of Andrew Matautia.

Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, old brick; good-bye, 2015. Image courtesy of Andrew Matautia.


This is a site-specific project that excavates several overlapping areas of interest:

1. The complex histories of Wellington's Puke Ahu (Mt Cook), less visible than the site’s dominant narrative – war commemoration.

2. The potential for contemporary artists to catalyse conversation and contribute cultural value, in responding to a carefully controlled government site of remembrance.



Mickey Smith

4 Feb – 28 Feb 2015

Harboured is a real time exchange between the Port of Duluth and the Port of Auckland–respectively the artist’s hometown and the city in which the artist is establishing a new life. A personal narrative interweaves with issues of contemporary immigration–finding comfort in familiarity, navigating vast physical and emotional distances, integrating into a new society.



Elizabeth Newman, Johl Dwyer, John Nixon, Julia Morison, Mikala Dwyer

4 Nov – 13 Dec 2014
John Nixon, Silver Monochrome, 2010, enamel and bark on canvas, 305 x 230mm [detail].

John Nixon, Silver Monochrome, 2010, enamel and bark on canvas, 305 x 230mm [detail].

An Enjoy Trust project

Curated by members of the Enjoy Trust, Loaded explores the cultural weight of materiality by bringing together a group of antipodean artists that over the past two-decades have utilised various material surfaces to convey a(n often highly-charged political) message. Stripped of traditional iconography, these works—covered in excrement, gold, nail polish, plaster, oil, enamel and bark—offer rich and beautiful surfaces and textures, evoking a whole world of complex relationships beneath if one only cares to look.


Time to save a little more.

Deanna Dowling

29 Oct – 15 Nov 2014

Some plans are carried out, others never happen, only ever existing as intentions, drawing, models and artist impressions. In July there was an occupation – a modest intervention. One car park co-opted in the car space below Enjoy. From the imagined to a reality – a version of anyway. It's gone now but don’t worry if you missed it, it will be back, brought into this space, re-presented for you.


Two photographers

Breckon, Shaun Waugh

3 Sep – 27 Sep 2014

Showcasing a range of techniques and processes used in contemporary photography, Two photographers presents a selection of photographs from Breckon’s Real State series alongside new works in the Covenant cut-outs series by Shaun Waugh. Both bodies of work explore ideas around place, shelter and protection, through physical or digital manipulation of the image.


The Screen

Angela Tiatia, Shahriar Asdollah-Zadeh

6 Aug – 30 Aug 2014
Angela Tiatia, Cream, 2014 © The Artist and Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne

Angela Tiatia, Cream, 2014 © The Artist and Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne


News stories overwhelm other news stories, events oust each other from the headlines and ten second items are squeezed out of hourly news bulletins by other things happening in other places. As shrinking mobile devices and expanding networks continually reconfigure our relationships to these events, the role of “the citizen” as participant, reporter and observer takes on new meanings. The Screen features two video works that test the ability of news media to traverse the misalignments of a world somehow made both bigger and smaller by network technology.




Emil McAvoy

11 Jul – 2 Aug 2014

Throughout its history abstract painting has been deployed in the service of diverse agendas across the political spectrum. More recent revelations of the CIA's covert promotion of Abstract Expressionism—in order to bolster the ideology of western capitalism during the Cold War—have prompted a further reframing of abstract painting, its language and potential meanings.


Orthogonal/ Diagonal

Nova Jiang

11 Jun – 5 Jul 2014

The design of chess pieces has evolved slowly over the centuries, and in the 20th century artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Alexander Calder, Yves Tanguy and Yayoi Kusama applied themselves to the problem of designing new chess forms.  In Orthogonal/Diagonal LA based artist Nova Jiang uses regional variants of chess found in Asia and elsewhere as seeds for digitally generating 3D printed playable games.


Stuggorings and Fijetterings

Peter Wareing

14 May – 7 Jun 2014

In Pier Paulo Pasolini’s 1966 film The Hawks and the Sparrows, a father and son wander through the outskirts of Rome when they meet a talking Marxist crow. The crow not only instructs them on some of the tenets of Marxist ideology, but also tells them a fable about two Franciscan friars who are charged with the responsibility of devising a way of communicating with the hawks and the sparrows. While the friars succeed in preaching to each species separately, their attempt at bringing the birds together fails.


Lead us outside, lead us out Quietly

Talia Smith

16 Apr – 10 May 2014

The often overlooked spaces of industrial areas and failed development sites are examined in Auckland artist Talia Smith’s first solo exhibition, Lead us outside, lead us out Quietly at Enjoy Gallery, Wellington. Through photography, video and a publication the exhibition examines what happens to such spaces when their intended function is abandoned.
