
Noel Ivanoff, Raewyn Martyn

30 Oct – 15 Nov 2008
Raewyn Martyn and Noel Ivanoff, Landing, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.

Raewyn Martyn and Noel Ivanoff, Landing, 2008. Image courtesy of Kimberley Lorne-McDougall Gustavsson.


Enjoy is proud to present a two-person show by Auckland-based artist Noel Ivanoff and Wellington's Raewyn Martyn. For Landing both artists have developed responses to the characteristics of existing architecture, space and objects.


Golden Slumbers

Kah Bee Chow

31 Aug – 31 Aug 2008
One Day Sculpture

"Once regarded at the most notorious slum area in New Zealand," Wellington historian Lynette Shum notes, "Haining Street today is an industrial area that bears little indication of its sensationalist past."(1) As the centre of Wellington's Chinatown from the late 1800s-1940s, it also bore witness to the one of the most violent episodes in Chinese New Zealand history, when Englishman Lionel Terry shot dead Joe Kum Yung outside number 13 in 1905 as a protest against Chinese immigration into the country. Kah Bee Chow's ONE DAY SCULPTURE, which occured on Sunday 31 August, is sited opposite this spot at number 10 Haining Street.


Compessed Space

Emma Fitts

28 Aug – 13 Sep 2008

The walls of urban space both reveal and conceal the detritus of the city as excess matter is stuffed into cracks and merged into the architecture. Bus tickets are forced to lie between seats. Receipts and miscellany are trodden into cracks in the pavement. This matter is framed by its environment and remains part of a larger composition.


Leading to Form

Holly Wilson, Sarah Rose

7 Aug – 23 Aug 2008

Orientated by architecture, Leading to Form explored relationships between bodies and structure. The work focused on the way a body senses in rhythms, textures, layers and juxtapositions that defy strict organisation. Willson and Rose are interested in this interaction; "physical and poetic encounters leave an imprint, a trace, always deferred, always leading to another moment."



Murray Hewitt

3 Apr – 19 Apr 2008

Enjoy was proud to present four moving-image works from Wellington-based artist Murray Hewitt.

Creating a dense and contemplative space within Enjoy Gallery, Hewitt's formally composed videos are subtle, open-ended and politically complex.
