Charming the Snake of Reason

Aline Keller, Bik Van der Pol, Maria Pask, Marnie Slater, Ruth Buchanan, Sjoerd van Leeuwen, Sjoerd Westbroek

20 Oct – 13 Nov 2010

Led by archival research, evidence-based processes, site-responsive methodologies, or the search for unique modes of gesture and speech, the works in Charming the Snake of Reason trace the limits of communication itself, charting a curved line that suggests meaning as fluctuating in the spatial, experiential and ephemeral situation of the encounter.


A Listening Eye

Dave Kent

22 Sep – 25 Sep 2010

In early 2009 Dave Kent was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. He has retired from full-time design work but remains actively engaged with family, friends and personal projects. This exhibition pays tribute to over three decades of Dave's work, particularly as a member of the Wellington Media Collective.


Enjoy Recipes Illustrated

The Enjoy Trust

10 Sep – 16 Oct 2010
The Enjoy Trust presents

The Enjoy Trust (Amit Charan, Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Molly Samsell, Ann Shelton, Kate Woods) has taken hold of the gallery space for a month, during this time they will be working on a project that celebrates Enjoy's social, inclusive and community-focused spirit, through Enjoy Recipes Illustrated (A Cookbook In Progress).


Casual Romance Club II


30 May – 9 Jun 2010

Romance is heavily mediated through digital communication. We’re using internet dating sites, Facebook, mobile texts to connect. We’re also influenced by the media’s idea of what “romance” should be through popular movies, reality TV and music videos.

D.A.N.C.E. Art Club


Kapua 1.0

Rangituhia Hollis

1 Apr – 1 May 2010

Hollis' video and 3D animated works seem familiar and yet unsettling. They apply and manipulate aspects of gaming culture and virtual reality in a disquieting juxtaposition with documentary style home videos. A sense of urban drift can be pinned down within banal narratives, while retaining an assuredness of the core values of Māori, and urban identities. 



Ruth Cleland

4 Mar – 27 Mar 2010

Enjoy is pleased to present Mall, a series of recent works on paper by Ruth Cleland. The series documents suburban shopping malls located around Auckland and Hamilton and represents two years of the artist's work, including drawings that were completed during a three-month residency at the Vermont Studio Centre, USA in 2009.


The Sun Shines Bright

Simon Glaister

19 Feb – 27 Feb 2010

As his first move in building a new home, a man bought several acres of land far out in the country. He was extremely busy and worked very hard. However, every weekend he would drive out to the country and work on his land. While he saved for his home he planted a garden. Wild bushes were replaced with saplings and flowers and over time he watched his garden slowly grow.


Hot House

Simon Glaister

28 Jan – 27 Feb 2010
Summer Residency

Taking the peyote cactus and Aldous Huxley's The Doors Of Perception as a points of departure, Simon Glaister will continue to explore these ideas at Enjoy alongside his ongoing investigation of the ever-contentious boundary between man and nature - that which is provided for us and that which we make for ourselves. Central to the residency will be the motif of the garden, and the notion of the artist as guide, shaman, or conduit of hidden or otherwise unobserved knowledge, experience and alternative realities. We might ask: is an artist privy to knowledge, observations, or experiences otherwise inaccessible to non-artists? If so, are these insights of genuine relevance to others? And further, if they are, are they wholly communicable?



Max Bellamy

19 Nov – 12 Dec 2009

A concerned child of film, television, and the Simpsons, Bellamy is determined to do his bit for a healthier screen culture. Part of a generation he characterises as fixated by screens of all sizes, he challenges the apathy this modern relationship fosters. He asks audiences to not just passively accept empty messages and instead figure out how they can be more critically engaged.


Too Orangey for Crows

James R Ford

27 Aug – 19 Sep 2009

Having recently relocated to Wellington, Ford's first engagement with New Zealand audiences rests between two locales. Obsession; humor; failure; play; repetition; boredom: Ford delves into the activities and influences of his '80s childhood as a way of both embarking, and staying-put. "Kia-Ora," as the historically-rooted but culturally de-contextualised British softdrink proclaims, beckoning both a greeting and parting note at once.



Dove Tail Joint

Florence Wild

30 Jul – 22 Aug 2009

With a 'found' parachute, two paintings, an expanse of cassette tape innards and a hand-embroidered rug, Dove tail joint presents a collision between seemingly disparate objects, a variety of processes, and pop-cultural references.


The Urban Workshop: Cuba St Portraits

Albrecht Fuchs, Andrea Bednarek, Andrew Beck, Jake Mein, Jonathan Kay, Matt Queree, Miriam Douglas, Nick Buckley, Nina Van der Voorn, Olivia Taylor, Ryan Jellyman, Wolfram Hahn, Zoe de Boehmler

2 Jul – 25 Jul 2009
Andrew Beck, The Urban Workshop: Cuba St Portraits, 2009.

Andrew Beck, The Urban Workshop: Cuba St Portraits, 2009.


Enjoy Public Art Gallery, the Goethe-Institut and Massey University School of Fine Arts present The Urban Workshop: Cuba St Portraits, a group exhibition that combines the work of German photographers Albrecht Fuchs and Wolfram Hahn, with eleven emerging photographers.



Damian Stewart, Giles Whitaker, Janine Randerson, Mike Heynes, Phil Dadson, Stella Brennan

18 Jun – 28 Jun 2009
Contemporary digital artwork from Aotearoa, New Zealand

Digital art has emerged both locally and internationally alongside the development of new technologies. Artists from a variety of backgrounds have adopted digital tools and production methodologies as a means of realising new works, creating fresh perspectives on traditional mediums, and engaging new and innovative platforms for contemporary art.

