Trust us

Riff Raff

9 Feb – 4 Mar 2017
Summer Residency

Riff Raff originated as a semi-imaginary artist-run space started by Li-Ming Hu with special guest founding member Daphne Simons in mid-2016. While on residency at Enjoy Public Art Gallery from 30 January – 19 February, Riff Raff will co-opt the gallery space as their production house, organising a live-streamed 12-hour telethon-style event to solicit a diverse collection of donated work from artists and the general public throughout the nation.


Gardens against the sun

Constance Mary, Evangeline Davis, Wojciech Gasiorowski, Xander Dixon, Zoe Bokany

23 Nov – 10 Dec 2016
Wojciech Gasiorowski, STAG, Video Still, HD Video, 11min 26sec. Image courtesy of the artist.

Wojciech Gasiorowski, STAG, Video Still, HD Video, 11min 26sec. Image courtesy of the artist.

An Enjoy Trust Project

Curated by Jordana Bragg, Gardens Against the Sun brings together photographic and moving image works that position the artist as both preservationist and conservator of not only the subject or environment depicted, but of temporality itself.


The Asia-Pacific Century

Ahilapalapa Rands, Anna-Marie White, Balamohan Shingade, Bepen Bhana, Kerry Ann Lee, Lana Lopesi, Local Time, Melinda Webber, Peter Brunt

6 Aug – 20 Aug 2016
Lana Lopesi, Admixture 004, Admixture 002 (offset print) edition of 100, 2016.

Lana Lopesi, Admixture 004, Admixture 002 (offset print) edition of 100, 2016.

Part One

The Asia-Pacific Century: Part One is an open research space that will be at Enjoy from August 6 – August 20, 2016. The Asia-Pacific Century is co-curated by Emma Ng and Ioana Gordon-Smith and led by Bepen Bhana, Peter Brunt, Kerry Ann Lee, Local Time, Lana Lopesi, Ahilapalapa Rands, Balamohan Shingade, Melinda Webber and Anna-Marie White.


Latent Image

Caitlin Devoy

10 Jun – 9 Jul 2016
wood, lead, ink, wax, salt, dirt

wood, lead, ink, wax, salt, dirt


Latent Image* responds both to the material qualities of the gallery space and its past incarnation as a photographic studio. Architectural details are miniaturized, inverted, burnt back. The familiar becomes unfamiliar, like the black sky in a photographic negative.


Hidden City

Heather Hayward

13 Apr – 7 May 2016

Dominant narratives around the economy tend to represent it as essentially capitalist—where waged work and the exchange of money are seen as the single most important parts of our economy. In these narratives, other forms of socio-economic exchange (such as bartering, gift-giving, sharing, cooperatives, foraging, and using common resources) are either dismissed as insignificant, or idealistic pipe dreams that could never work in contemporary society.


Rupture / capture

Johanna Mechen

16 Mar – 9 Apr 2016

Enjoy is pleased to present a new installation by Johanna Mechen, our 2016 Summer Artist in Residence.

Beginning with a quest to video her vitreous eye floaters, Mechen explores the relationship between Optometry and Photography, weaving historical and contemporary elements of both practices with factual and fictitious discoveries.


Enjoy Feminisms

Dilohana Lekamge, Faith Wilson, Fresh and Fruity, Leafa Wilson, Olive Wilson, Sian Torrington, Single Brown Female

12 Nov – 12 Dec 2015
Fresh and Fruity, Fresh and Fruity manifesto volume ii P​art one: The trouble with art #winaman Part two: The gallery girl reading on opening night. 

Fresh and Fruity, Fresh and Fruity manifesto volume ii P​art one: The trouble with art #winaman Part two: The gallery girl
reading on opening night. 

An Enjoy Trust project

Feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand and abroad is often represented in the mainstream media as a white middle-class issue focused around sex and career. But this barely touches the edges of the multiplicity of feminisms and how feminisms have affected all of our lives. This year the Enjoy Trust put out a proposal call for exhibition works, actions, and pieces for the Enjoy Occasional Journal which expand the discourse on feminisms. 



Death Workshop

Hiroharu Mori

14 Oct – 7 Nov 2015

Death Workshop documents a workshop project Mori undertook with a group of student actors over the course of several months. The students were asked to imagine how they will die (not how they wished to die) and direct other student actors in enactments of these scenes as a short play.
