Hybrid Spring

Deborah Rundle, Layne Waerea

11 Oct – 3 Nov 2018

Hybrid Spring is an exhibition by Deborah Rundle and Layne Waerea that explores contemporary notions of social hope. Resisting the cultural imperatives of individual resilience, achievement and competition that have become deeply associated with optimism, both artists grapple with the complexities of hope, specifically in relation to collectivity.



Frontyard, Hyperreadings, Louisa Afoa, Samiz Dat, Tim Larkin with Abe Hollingsworth

16 Aug – 8 Sep 2018

Drawing on public infrastructure and collections of personal knowledge, Purpose-built examines contemporary sites of sharing, accessing and archiving information—probing the relationship between memory and physical space. Bringing together artworks, furniture, reading lists and digital content, the resulting installation sits somewhere between a space of display and a reading room. Visitors are encouraged to make use of the furniture and resources during the exhibition.


Margins & Satellites

Ella Sutherland

5 Jul – 4 Aug 2018
Summer residency

Margins & Satellites continues artist and designer Ella Sutherland’s ongoing enquiry into the relationship between printed matter, typography and social histories, focussing on what Sutherland describes as “a queering of mechanical reproduction.”



Vaimaila Urale

10 May – 2 Jun 2018

Typeface continues an ongoing project by Vaimaila Urale that explores the dynamics of communication and social exchange. Beginning in 2012 from a collaboration with media artist Johann Norte, this expansive body of work brings together two distinct knowledge systems: traditional Polynesian design and the standardised symbols found on computer keyboards.


and my heart is soft

Ange Perry, Bronte Perry

12 Apr – 6 May 2018

and my heart is soft is an installation of sculpture and weaving by Ange and Bronte Perry. As mother and child with Pākeha, Māori and Croatian heritage, their collaboration confronts the ideas of unknowing and re-learning, exploring gaps and incommensurabilities in cultural knowledge and whakapapa through an open-ended, materially-driven dialogue.



Aliyah Winter

8 Feb – 10 Mar 2018

Revisiting historical representations of gender and sexuality, Aliyah Winter’s artistic practice considers these personal and shared histories within our present moment. Incorporating moving image, performance and archival research, the solo exhibition hardening is part of an ongoing project by Winter that revisits the biography of Dr. Hjelmar von Danneville.


Indecent Literature

Robbie Handcock

1 Jun – 24 Jun 2017

Beginning with film stills and photographs from 1970s gay cinema and print erotica, Robbie Handcock’s paintings explore historic depictions of gay sexuality in order to consider contemporary queer existence. Indecent Literature comprises a suite of works that revisit canonical North American examples of gay media including the film Pink Narcissus (1971) by James Bidgood and Physique Pictorial—a quarterly magazine produced by Bob Mizer which featured young muscled men in bodybuilding poses, passing off the erotic as an interest in fitness in order to evade the period’s censorship laws.
